The history of Poliester began in 1962 with the foundation of the company. Competent staff, high quality, and a wide range of the applicability of our products make ’’Poliester’’ a regional leader in the area of manufacturing polyester products.
Following the development, production and the application of the products, and based on the long-term experience and knowledge, Poliester specialised in certain group of products and has won the complete polyester production in the area of cylindrical products.
Polyester products are from non-corrodible, non-metal materials, which provides them with a long and efficient life, low maintenance costs, unnecessary cathode protection, unnecessary lining, coating, and painting. Fibreglass composites technology enables a successful comparison of these products with traditional materials since they provide an extraordinary combination of the desired characteristics (price/performance).
By an appropriate choice of thermostable resin, fibreglass, filler and design, we can create a product which satisfies even the most rigorous requests and buyer’s expectations.
We achieve to satisfy our buyers with quality human resources, quality process, and the quality of our products and services.